Creating Systems for Your Online Business
If you're anything like I was, you hear the word "system" and think:
out of my pay grade
You're not alone. I polled my Instagram audience and they said the same things.
But the truth is, systems are whatever you make them be.
They can be complicated. They can be easy. They can include automation. They cannot include automation.
Today we're getting deep into systems. Specifically:
What are business systems?
What are the benefits of creating business systems?
The #1 reason you need business systems
Ready? Let’s hit it!
What are Business Systems?
Google defines systems as "a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method."
Your business systems are made up of your different strategies, processes, and standard operating procedures.
A common misconception about systems is that they are only related to the tech side of things. In reality, every piece of your business should have its system for operation.
Examples of Systems in Business
📲 Sales funnels
📲 Marketing
📲 Lead generation
📲 Content creation
📲 Client management
Each of these systems has many different strategies or processes that work together to get the job done.
What are the Benefits of Creating Business Systems?
Think of your systems as the lifeline of your business. Without them in place, your business could last for a bit, but will eventually crumble.
Systems are not as complicated as everyone thinks. They are very simple when set up correctly.
Systems help you stay organized.
As a solopreneur, you're doing A LOT. You have to be the head of every department, care for the fun parts of business along with the messy parts, and also keep your life away from work put together.
Without systems, you're throwing things out into the world and hoping they work. You're constantly trying new things without knowing what is or isn't working.
The most important part of creating systems is tracking. This will help ensure your system is A) working and B) repeatable.
You'll want to track things such as:
the time it takes to complete certain tasks
metrics such as engagement and conversion rates
the exact steps you're taking.
When you have all those things tracked and laid out, you're able to know exactly what to do each day to get whatever results you're looking for.
Systems help you create long-term sustainability.
If you build a house on sand, it will collapse. The same goes for your business.
A mistake a lot of newer entrepreneurs make is they scale too quickly without understanding how they did it. They hustled their way to the top but once they got there, they couldn't maintain it.
Think of your systems as the concrete foundation to your skyscraper. It's reinforced, it's solid, nothing can take it down.
Your building (business) can handle whatever mother nature (life) throws at it and still comes out on top.
Systems help you predict the future.
Imagine going into a new offer launch knowing EXACTLY what was going to happen. You knew how many people you were going to reach, you knew how many leads would enter your funnel and you knew how many of them would convert to clients.
Creating systems can help you do that.
Remember when I mentioned tracking? Including that information in your sales system allows you to predict the outcome of whatever you're doing.
When you create a strong sales system and repeat it a few times, you can then use that data to determine what works and what doesn't.
You're then able to do more of what works and get even better results.
There's a reason people on TikTok who have the same type of videos over and over again are successful.
There's a reason people on Instagram who launch the same program over and over again are successful.
Because they figured out what works best for them and kept doing it because they knew it'd produce the results they wanted.
The #1 Reason You Need Business Systems
There are so many reasons why you need systems for your business. But because most of my clients come to me not knowing how to keep their business organized, here’s the #1 reason why you need systems today.
Business Systems Benefit: Say goodbye to scattered post-its and half-completed ideas
If you constantly find yourself wondering why your business isn't running the way you feel it should, a system will help you out BIG TIME.
Why? Because systems give you a game plan.
Let's say a typical workday for you looks like this:
checking your email/ messages
creating social media content
supporting clients/ completing client work
checking email/ messages again
scheduling discovery calls
scrolling through Instagram reels for "research" (are you really researching?)
checking email/ messages again
done for the day
Right away, you notice that your email and messages take up a huge portion of your day. That's because, right now, you're just checking them on a whim. You have no system in place. Almost everything you do in your day could be streamlined in a way that frees up your time and gets things done easier.
A few systems or processes you may want to set up are:
Inbox management - Can filter out unimportant messages or set up quick replies to answer common questions?
Content creation - How can you streamline your creation process? Can you batch create so you only spend one day per week (or month) creating it all?
New lead intake - can you automate this process so the only piece you need to be present for is the actual call itself?
Once you have those things set up, you're now one step closer to taking off Fridays (or maybe permanent 4-day weekends).
When you streamline your business, you're able to stay in your zone of genius and move from the entrepreneur role to the CEO role.
Your business is begging for simple, sustainable systems.
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